On to politics, which I'm not a particular big fan of in the first place. I did vote today, yay me after skipping my first opportunity, I must say that its quite having your voting spot right outside of your office. However, it did stick out to me that I was attending a funeral in a Christian church on election day. It is 7:55 PM and as I check the polls and see Obama leading McCain 102-34 in the electoral votes (I hate electoral votes when there is that big of a margin and yet McCain actually has more votes), I can't help but worry about the future of our country, especially as a follower of Christ. Continue to pray that God's hand will be upon this election.
I mentioned strange earlier... my pastor came up to me this morning and said that he had given my youth ministry budget proposal to the chair of the finance committee and that they were both so impressed with it (I really shared my vision and reasoning behind each budget item request) that they wanted to share it with the whole church. This whole time, I'm thinking "ummm... ok; who shares a budget proposal with an entire congregation?" But I get back from lunch and go in the office workroom and there is my budget proposal along with a cover letter from the finance committee being put together as a special edition newsletter to be sent to the entire congregation. I am a bit surprised by very encouraged by the fact that my pastor and the chair of the finance committee are so excited about my vision for this ministry that they want to share it with the entire congregation.
Finally, the highlight of my day was the time that I took this afternoon to just escape from the office and go for a bike ride. It was an absolutely beautiful day and I'm glad that I was able to enjoy it while I still can.
can you explain your title my friend
On the radio this morning a man was comparing people, their personalities....to "otters", beavers,lions, golden retrievers. It was very interesting. Otters love fun, try to make everything fun while getting the job done. Lions take charge, make decisions, command action. Goldens leave it to others to decide, then are obedient and follow and are dependable, beavers build, create, things that will last, they know how to "fix" things, but, they can also make others feel inferior while doing so.
Anyway, you reminded me of an otter(and a fixer like a beaver). Not just b/c you like to have fun. But, you do have a vision and having it be fun and exciting while attaining your goals is a good quality. Cause, that's the way God made you. I am proud of you as well(it seems) as your church is. Greeeeaaat job!
Our great country IS in for some changes...how quickly they aspire we don't know yet. Not death to our country maybe, but, death to the way we have known it. God just can't keep protecting us as a nation if we keep on killing so many unborn children and keep on turning against every principal it the Bible. I can only find comfort in knowing that God IS still in control, and even the election results can work for his plan and purpose. mom
I want to apologize for leaving out a key word in my original title. It was meant to say "Death of a Christian nation?" My reasoning is that our country has continued to turn its back on God over the last few decades, in a sense dying as the Christian nation that we were once known as. It felt symbolic to me to be at a funeral in a church on election day to the degree that maybe our Christian nation has officially died and we are simply the powerful United States. When Israel continually turned its back on God, what happened? I fear the same for our country.
when and where, any where biblical does God say we are his chosen nation??? this a christian thought that i find completely unbiblical and even a limiting of gods power
we were not founded a christian nation. the founders were not all christians, some where deists, agnostics and just atheist. Now i do believe Gods hand and blessing may have been on the people of the this nation (two different things) but the church, not the nation has turned her back on God if this is the case.
the fact that we have set idolly by as the country we live in slips further and further into a state of decay and we do nothing but sit on the side lines and complain 'oh woful America, why have we forsaken God'
Kirb's i don't think we have been a christian nation for a very very long time. the church has silenced her self on so many issues that we have very little voice in it all
with that said i trully believe now more than ever this nation is poised at becoming a nation of Godly men and women truly living out their faith in action... for good or ill of Obama becoming president, our King has yet again given us a chance to praise his name
For starters, I never claim that Scripture calls the US His chosen nation. But looking throughout US history, one can see evidence in government that shows that this was once considered a Christian nation that has over time turned its back on God. Some examples:
1789, the US Congress votes this resolution: "The Congress of the United States recommends and approves the Holy Bible for use in all schools."
Of the first 108 universities founded in America, 106 were distinctly Christian.
The Constitution uses the words "our Lord."
In 1811, a case (People vs. Ruggles) came to the Court which dealt with a man who had gone into a fit of profanity. It attacked Jesus Christ in the vilest of terms. The court explained the problems with his writings: an attack on Jesus Christ was an attack on Christianity; and an attack on Christianity was an attack on the FOUNDATION OF THE COUNTRY; therefore, an attack on Jesus Christ was an equivalent to an attack on the country. The man was prisoned and fined for attacking the country by attacking Jesus Christ.
In 1892, the US Supreme Court made this ruling in a case. (Church of the Holy Trinity vs. The United States) "No purpose of action against religion can be imputed to any legislation, state, or national, because this is a religious people. THIS IS A CHRISTIAN NATION."
I'm not saying that God has called us as His chosen nation, but that this nation was founded and governed by Scripture. Over the past several hundred years, we have completely gone away from that, we have turned our backs on God. And I felt that we have finally gotten to the point that being a Christian nation is completely dead, even in the Bible Belt. I believe living in the Bible belt is probably why it has taken me so long to realize this. And I agree completely that the church and Christian leaders are the ones who should be held responsible. Rather than fighting for God in our nation, we have complacently sat in our pews and complained about whats been going on in our world when we should be out there doing something about it.
I'm not trying to say that the election of Obama is the sudden end of the Christian nation. I am excited about the historic significance that this means for our country. But the election involved many more things that showed me the final death of this "christian nation" even in the bible belt with issues like the lottery being legalized in Arkansas.
As Christians, I believe that life is going to get tougher. We've had it way to easy and been way too comfortable. Either people aren't going to do anything for their faith, or they are going to fight for their faith and face persecution like we've never seen in this country before.
i would agree on the overall voting issues, which again is why i stand my ground about a christian nation.
i think with all of those points, as great as they are, doesn't conclude that just because in some areas we say that we are or have been makes us one. morally christian maybe... but truthfully following i don't buy it.
this coming from my seeing 'christian's have a fit about an election but doing nothing throughout the other four years to exercise their christian faith
my issue with the church is the inconsistency to proclaim something but do nothing. that is why i feel any blessing we have had is gone..or slightly removed. i do believe that God has blessed and protected this people over the years, but that things are pretty bleak now
i hope and pray for persecution to be honest with you man... its time we put our faith and life where our mouths run all the time.
i made this comment earlier today and it has really struck me
'we are worse than sodom and gamora, in that we claim and praise God as king and savior but as a nation we produce and do just as evil if not more than that city who knew nothing of God' judgment is an ugly cold hearted restorer of things
i think as always we are in the same boat just sitting on different ends of boat :-) seeing a different tide..
love you kirbs
I wonder what sort of "sign" you would need to see the church as alive and active? All over this nation, extentions of the Church are serving in homeless shelters, medical clinics, aid agencies, schools, etc. to make headway against the "causes" and out of love. We give our time, our money, our gifts, and more... God is active and alive in our nation. Our choice is to join Him where He is working or to not.
Kirby, take heart. God works and always will. God's church is alive and well. Just because the majority of our nation claims to believe ("...even the demons believe, and tremble," right?) but fail to produce fruit does not evidence the death of the Body. To me, this could be a season of pruning and GREAT harvest. Amazing awakenings still happen! Economic conditions, declining health, racism, name it... as these things accelerate so does our need for a real encounter with God that lasts.
Brit, praying for persecution is like praying for patience. We can never set the limits on such a request like we want or expect to, and then we get mad at God when things happen that we don't like.
I'm praying for both of you to be encouraged and moved to action and deeper love for our Lord every day. To Him be glory!
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