Friday, September 11, 2009


I'm sure you've all heard of P90X, the insane workout program that gets you buff in like 90 days (if it doesn't kill you first). Well, the pastor of Elevation Church in North Carolina created the B90X program, which he describes as: "a revolutionary system of intense, truth-absorbing, brain-busting Bible reading that will transform your understanding of Scripture from intro to nitro in just 90 days! Your personal trainer, Ruach “The Breath” Yahweh, will drag you through the most intense infusion of His vision that you have ever experienced and you won’t believe the results!"

I've done the "bible in a year" schedule, but have decided to take on the B90X challenge and I want to challenge you to do it to! If people are willing to take the P90X challenge so they can have great abs, shouldn't we be willing to push ourselves for God?

If you can't get the picture to work for you, you can go to:

1 comment:

Becke' said...

I like this idea! It sounds much more fun that P90X!