Monday, March 23, 2009

Spring Break

Well, its spring break. What does that mean for me? Unfortunately it doesn't mean a ski trip (hopefully next year) or the beach. But it does mean that I will have so many more opportunities to just spend time with students (since they aren't sitting in school). Which is the part that I love most about my job (you would think that it would be sitting in an office but its just not). Just yesterday some of us went out to the field and played some softball (really just hitting and fielding). We had a great time and I already got an early start on my farmer's tan (more like burn). There's no telling what I may do this week, hopefully the weather stays nice and provides even more opportunities to do stuff outside. I may play sports that I never grew up playing like tennis or golf or who knows what else. But, as a youth pastor, I do love spring break!


Anonymous said...

As a mother with a son who dislocates his shoulder alot, I hold my breath during his active spring break!!!!
Love ya

Kirby said...

The good news is that I've gone over 3 1/2 months since my last dislocation! (knock on wood).

Amelia said...

It's my Spring Break too! But I'm one of those that's still stuck inside..... =( Love You! Have Fun!!